
Request For Proposals
Food & Beverage Concession opportunity

Alpha Aviation Inc. (“Alpha”) invites you to participate in its Request For Proposals (this “RFP”) for the commercial development of a non-exclusive, local or nationally-branded, restaurant and bar concession lease at the Boundary Bay Airport (“CZBB” or the “Airport”). The successful Proponent will be responsible to develop, implement and carry out a plan of service that adheres to prescribed regulations, while providing the highest level of food & beverage services at CZBB.

The Airport current’s restaurant, known as Skyhawk Restaurant, is 300 m2 in area (the “Restaurant Space”) and has additional available outdoor patio space with direct airside views of approximately 100m2. The outside patio could be reconfigured to increase the footprint of the restaurant. Skyhawk is a busy daytime restaurant with aviation enthusiasts and workers within the Boundary Bay Airport coming for breakfast and lunch. It is licensed with a full liquor license. It is currently the only public restaurant at Boundary Bay Regional Airport however it does not take advantage of the afterwork employee opportunity, catering or events that could be marketed and events that could be hosted at the Terminal Building after hours for corporate events. The existing lease with Skyhawk Restaurant expires at the end of 2024 (however the facility may be available earlier than that) and Alpha is looking for a new leasehold operator through this RFP. Proponents should consider how to maintain some level of food and beverage service during a transition.

Land Use Plan

Alpha Aviation Inc. has developed a land use plan that respects aviation zoning requirements with consideration to environmental sustainment and optimal land use. As much as possible compatible industries are grouped and the servicing plan developed by the Corporation of Delta promotes orderly development.

Airside aprons and taxiways are planned to maximize land use and enable safe aircraft operations. Airside access is protected for Hanger development and industrial zoned lands are planned for non-airside locations.

Final land use and development approvals will consider the best use for airport lands but the intent is to maintain a flexible and evolving plan. Lot sizes can be varied to permit custom developments.

For more information please contact us at