Pilot Information
Pilot Information
General Information
Reference N49 04 24 W123 00 30 Elevation: 6 feet ASL UTC – 8(7)Runway Data
- Rwy 07/25 5606 ft x 100 ft asphalt
- Rwy 13/31 5605 ft x 100 ft asphalt
- RNAV (GNSS) Approach 07
- VOR Approach 07 (GNNS)
- RNAV Approach 31
- PAPI Approach 07
- PAPI Approach 31
Helipad Data
- Parking Pad 2: 68′ dia CONC Max heli overall length 57′
- Parking Pad 3: 68′ dia CONC Max heli overall length 57′
- Parking Pad 4: 60′ dia CONC Max heli overall length 50′
- Parking Pad 5: 65′ dia CONC Max heli overall length 54′
- Parking Pad 6: 60′ dia CONC Max heli overall length 50′
Weather Information
ATIS 1-877-517-2847
NAV Canada weather information
Weather Conditions
Airport Hours
Airport is open 24/7. The main terminal is open to the public from 0700 to 2000 Local seven days a week.
Alpha Aviation Inc.
Phone: 604-946-5361
Office Hours: 0800 – 1700 (Local)
Boundary Bay Air Services FBO
UNICOM – 122.95
Phone: 604-952-2532
Hours of operation: 0700 – 1930 Local (winter)
Hours of operation: 0700 – 2030 Local (summer)
Control Tower
Tower 118.1 (inner) 127.6 (outer)
Ground 124.3
Hours of operation: 0700 – 2300 Local
Noise Management
Noise Sensitive Areas
Boundary Bay Airport and the Corporation of Delta remind all pilots to please adhere to all published noise restrictions. Ladner, Tsawwassen and White Rock urban areas are particularly noise sensitive and pilots should try to avoid overflying these areas wherever possible.
No turns Rwy hdgs BLW 400’. After dep Rwy 25 turn crosswind as rqrd to remain E of railway tracks. Arr Rwy 07 turn base E of noise sensitive area. No departures fr taxi B.
Conform to published VTA routes and as directed by ATC.
No circuits Rwy 07/25 23–07 local.
Avoid noise sensitive communities if at all possible.
US Pilots: Flying Procedures in Canada
For the most part, flying regulations and procedures in Canada are the same as in the U.S. However, there are a few differences that are of interest to U.S. pilots coming to Canada for the first time.
- Canada uses ICAO flight plan forms. Forms, and instructions on filling them out, are available here.
- There is no VFR flight following.
- There is no VFR-on-top, only VFR over-the-top (i.e., to penetrate cloud and fly on top you must be on an IFR flight plan, and remain on an IFR flight plan).
- All airspace above 12,500 ASL (or 2,000 AGL, whichever is higher) up to 18,000 ASL is Class B airspace and requires a clearance to enter. VFR flight is allowed in Class B airspace with a clearance.
- All airspace above 18,000 ASL is Class A airspace, and is IFR-only.
- Read-back is mandatory on all IFR clearances.
- Read-back is mandatory on runway hold-short clearances.
- For IFR procedures obtain a local briefing since there are significant differences to FAA handling
Reservations - PPR
First time arriving pilots operating jet aircraft and aircraft above 12,500 lbs must obtain PPR (prior permission required) from Boundary Bay Air Services (phone: 604-952-2532). In order to encourage the highest possible safety awareness we will email or fax this PPR authorization notifying pilots that there is:
- Noise Sensitive Area is to the North-West of the airport in the populated areas (Ladner).
- Increased bird activity during the “dawn and dusk times”, and at various times of the year there are transient and migratory birds including eagles and Canada Geese. The airport has a monitoring and wildlife control program in place.
- Pilots should also be aware that Delta Air Park is located 2.5nm to the East. All procedures are outlined in the Canadian Flight Supplement which can be ordered from Nav Canada.
CAN PASS: 1-888-226-7277
The Boundary Bay Airport is classified as an airport of entry by NAV CANADA. Please contact CAN PASS for hours of operation.
For more information call within Canada: 1-800-461-9999 and outside Canada: 1-204-983-3500.
Park fixed wing aircraft for Customs inspection in front of the east door of the terminal.
Park helicopters for Customs inspection on Heli Parking Pad 4 and 5 located southeast of the terminal.
Boundary Bay Air Services offers secure rental hanger facilities with overnight security patrols and controlled access gates.
All access to the airside is controlled through gate remote controls issued by Alpha Aviation Inc., the airport operator.
Pilot Information Menu
- 7800 Alpha Way, Delta, BC V4K 0A7
- 604.946.5361
- (Toll Free) 1.866.946.2922
- 604.946.2131
- info@alpha-aviation.ca