Boundary Bay Airport Summer 2023 Capital Projects

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Alpha Aviation has been planning to make improvements to Runway 25.  This project will take place in two phases over 2023 and 2024.

Phase 1 will establish the new vehicle corridor required to permit runway improvements and is currently under construction with a completion date set for early November 2023.  As part of this phase a dual taxiway on Echo will be established to allow easier aircraft access to Apron 3.

Phase 2 will start in 2024 to complete runway pavement and taxiway improvements, install airport taxiway lighting, and reactivate a portion of the runway to extend the total length to 6005 ft.

The City of Delta has endorsed this project and the Airport Development Plan. This project has also received approvals from Transport Canada, Nav Canada, and is being completed to meet all environmental standards. No impacts on aviation operations are anticipated during Phase 1 of the project.

Several mid sized aircraft are relocating from YVR and this project will improve both safety and increase operational readiness of CZBB to accept this traffic.